Infertility Caused by Decreased Oxygen Utilization and Jinn
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Published: 30 July 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
There are two main causes of the Infertility (and of the diseases): Decreased Oxygen Utilization and Jinn. Decreased Oxygen Utilization is caused by Positive Ions. Positive ions are produced by man-made atmosphere which increases the acidity and inflammation due to the Hypoxia and acidosis in our body which is the main cause of almost all diseases.The best treatment is the use of Negative Ions, while Medicine is powerless. Medicine treats the symptoms but not the cause of the disease. Negative Ions are abundant in the clean nature and there are many Negative Ions products. What is interesting is that the Negative Ions help to diagnose if the infertility (or the disease) caused by the Jinn and moreover, the Negative Ions remove the Evil Jinn from the body as the Negative Ions are disliked by the hidden Jinn. Diagnosis and Treatment of the Infertility (and of the diseases) caused by Jinn classically done through the Quran recitation by experienced practionner in this field (Ruqya). The combination of Ruqya with the Negative Ions will facilitate the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Infertility (and the diseases)caused by Jinn with the quicker results by Allah’s will.
Keywords: Infertility, Decreased Oxygen Utilization, Positive Ions, Negative Ions Jinn, Ruqya.

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How to Cite
Dr. Mira Bajirova. (2018-07-30). "Infertility Caused by Decreased Oxygen Utilization and Jinn." *Volume 1*, 1, 47-58